Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why Do Websites Need to be Marketed?


For today's post I thought I would post our article in our recent Web Training News:

A common misconception about websites is that they just need to look good and and be up on the Internet for them to drive business into an organization.

This is, unfortunately, not true!

Unless a website solely exists for the purposes of support or some reason that requires only an invited group of users, then the value of a web site is almost entirely dependent upon how well it is marketed. Even the uses listed previously may require some marketing activity, albeit, a different approach.

100 Million

There must be, today, over 100 million web sites on the Internet. Just that, alone, tells you that you have to let people know that your website exists and how they might get to view it. People don't just stumble upon web sites. (Just do your maths!)

Getting Visitors

For example, a vital piece of knowledge you need to know is how to get visitors to your website. This, of course, requires you to know what people do to find information using the World Wide Web.


After getting people to your website, how do you get them to look further into your website? How do you keep their interest? How do you get them to make an enquiry?


All the above is covered in the subject of marketing.

The Difference

Now, is there any difference in marketing online than offline (also referred to as traditional marketing by some people)?

Well, yes and no.

Marketing principles still apply in the online world as they do elsewhere.

What is different, are people's perceptions and what tools, services and techniques are available. In essence, the main difference is the lack of knowledge. This includes new terms and services that often have silly names.


The good news: Online marketing if often much cheaper. But, it isn't free. even if you use free services (and you should) there are costs like time and the involvement of people.
So don't think free. But, think cost effective.


People are social creatures. Therefore, some clever and other lucky marketers have discovered social networking techniques to market online. Many of these have worked fantastically well. But, how do you do it? And, how do you do it without burning your fingers or more?


To have success in online marketing (and, in particular social network marketing) you need to have knowledge. This, is why, we are so excited to have Kirsten present the
E-Marketing with Social Networking Course.

PS: You may subscribe to our newsletter at

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