On one of my site I use a technique where I search for all elements that have the same title attribute. All the ones found I change the backgroundImage so those elements are highlighted.
Works brilliantly on all browsers (IE6, IE7, Firefox [all versions], Chrome, Safari, Opera and maybe a few others). But on IE8, it simply doesn't work!
Testing has shown that the JavaScript works, except where it changes the backgroundImage. That is where it [IE8] simply ignores the action requested of it.
Of interest, backgroundColor works. Just backgroundImage style property does not work.
I checked all the standards and found only one thing that seems to make a slight difference:
obj.style.backgroundImage = "url('images/myBgImage.gif')";
must become:
obj.style.backgroundImage = "url(images/myBgImage.gif)";
One must drop the single quotes.
At first this looked like we are going someplace. But now some work and others don't. Haven't noticed a pattern yet. So, I need to do some more work to figure out a solution to this very peculiar problem.
It is strange that Microsoft has not found this problem yet. There are a number of Blog entries that I have found when googling the problem. One of them gave me an idea which I shall be trying this weekend.
i figured it out, you have to load the image first then it works. so in a hidden div load your image < src="yourimg" alt=""> then your javascript backgroundImage will display where you want it, Yay!! IE rocks :)
I had also by now figured out a solution but forgot to post my findings.
Essentially, IE8 does not support animated GIFs in CSS if you tile such an image as a background.
The solution was to enlarge the image file and remove any tiling (repeat in CSS). So in the end it was relatively simple once one knows this fact.
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